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Англо-русский словарь по электронике


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Перевод с английского языка n на русский


1) сокр. от newton ньютон, Н

2) (допустимое) буквенное обозначение i-го (2≤i≤26) логического диска, съёмного устройства памяти или компакт-диска (в IBM-совместимых компьютерах)

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См. в других словарях

  сокр. от nodeузел; узловая точка ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  noun; pl. Ns, Ns  1) четырнадцатая буква англ. алфавита  2) = en  2)  3) math. неопределенная величина; to the nth -  а) до n-ных/любых пределов;  б) coll. безгранично ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. 14-я буква английского алфавита 2. мат. неопределенная величина 3. употр. вместо имени или фамилии Mr. N. —- господин N. N 1. 14-я буква английского алфавита 2. мат. неопределенная величина 3. употр. вместо имени или фамилии Mr. N. —- господин N. (pl. Ns) 4. шахм. конь 5. полигр. эн, полукруглая 6. хим. азот ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  образ. незачет Оценка успеваемости в университете и колледже по системе "зачет-незачет" pass-no pass fail option. Тж. no credit ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  бирж. Н (эн) а) (обозначение ценной бумаги, которой торгуют на Нью-Йоркской фондовой бирже) See: New York Stock Exchange, security б) сокр. от New issue бирж. (обозначение бумаги из нового выпуска, которая лишь недавно помещена в листинг) See: listing, issue в) фин. сокр. от note ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  I сокр. от nano- нано..., н, 10^9 II сокр. от negative 1) негатив, негативное изображение 2) отрицательная величина отрицательный III сокр. от normality нормальность N сокр. от newton ньютон, Н ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  abbr. (also n.) 1 name. 2 nano-. 3 neuter. 4 noon. 5 note. 6 noun. N conj. (also 'n') colloq. and. Etymology: abbr. N 1. suffix see -EN(2). 2. suffix see -EN(3). N 1. n. (also n) (pl. Ns or N's) 1 the fourteenth letter of the alphabet. 2 Printing en. 3 Math. an indefinite number. Phrases and idioms to the nth (or nth degree) 1 Math. to any required power. 2 to any extent; to the utmost. 2. abbr. (also N.) 1 North; Northern. 2 newton(s). 3 Chess knight. 4 New. 5 nuclear. 3. symb. Chem. the element nitrogen. N. BY E. abbr. North by East. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural n's or ns)  Usage: often capitalized, often attributive  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the 14th letter of the English alphabet  b. a graphic representation of this letter  c. a speech counterpart of orthographic n  2. a graphic device for reproducing the letter n  3.  a. one designated n especially as the 14th in order or class  b. an indefinite number; especially a constant integer or a variable taking on integral values  4. something shaped like the letter N  5. the haploid or gametic number of chromosomes  6. en 2  II. abbreviation  1. name  2. nano-  3. navy  4. net  5. neuter  6. usually italic neutron  7. noon  8. normal  9. north; northern  10. note  11. noun  12. number N  I. abbreviation newton  II. symbol nitrogen N — see -en ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1 what you are hoping to achieve by a plan, action, or activity + of  (The main aim of the course is to improve students' communication skills.) with the ~ of doing sth  (Research is being done with the specific aim of monitoring customer trends.) 2 take ~ to point a gun or weapon at someone or something you want to shoot + a  (Alan took aim at the tiger.) 3 sb's ~ someone's ability to hit what they are aiming at when they throw or shoot something  (Val's aim was very good.) ~2 S2 W2 v 1 to choose the place, person etc that you want to hit and carefully point your gun, object etc towards them  (Denver aimed his gun but did not shoot.) + at/for  (The pitcher aimed at the upper half of the strike zone.) 2 to try or intend to achieve something + at/for  (It's important that you should have some sort of a goal to aim for.) ~ to do sth  (I'm aiming to lose 4kg before the summer holidays.) 3 ~ sth at sb to make something in such a way that a particular person or group of people will like it  (The program is aimed at a teenage audience.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  hum. gen. abbr. Nucleophilic physiol. abbr. Nipple physiol. abbr. Nerve NASA abbr. Newton environ. abbr. Noise environ. abbr. Nature U.S. gov. abbr. Noun U.S. gov. abbr. Nationalistic U.S. gov. abbr. Normative U.S. gov. abbr. Night transport. abbr. Narrow transport. abbr. Near mil. abbr. Need physics abbr. Neutrino physics abbr. Normal chemis. abbr. Neutron univ. abbr. No univ. abbr. Norms univ. abbr. Northwood mathem. abbr. None mathem. abbr. The Nth mathem. abbr. Numerical mathem. abbr. Number electron. abbr. Neutral electron. abbr. Nodes months abbr. November food abbr. Nourishment food abbr. Natural food abbr. Nutrition chess abbr. Knight clothes abbr. Nice SMS abbr. And comp. assem. abbr. Newline comp. assem. abbr. Next media abbr. Newsletter media abbr. Novels educ. abbr. Neither sport abbr. National pos. abbr. Novelist pos. abbr. Naturalist pos. abbr. Negotiator pos. abbr. Nerd pos. abbr. Nurse firm name abbr. Nada ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - in nickname, newt, and Brit. dial. naunt, the -n- belongs to a preceding indefinite article an or possessive pronoun mine. The loss of it to a preceding a is more common: apron, auger, adder, umpire, humble pie, etc. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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